I'm New
Covenant Church carefully avoids "majoring in the minors".
We love Jesus, treasure God's Word and want to help people.
If that resonates with you plan your visit now! Seriously... smash that link!

What to Expect
At Covenant Evangelical Presbyterian Church you will find a group of people who actually like you and want to be around you.
Honestly it's kinda great. It's not just social though!
Practical applications of Biblical principles are taught here every Sunday, both in adult and children's classes, as well as from the pulpit. Come check us out! You'll be glad you did, and so will we.
Our Story
Covenant Church began in July of 2012 when a group of Christians, who loved Jesus Christ got together and said: "Let's start a church". We rented a building for a while, then in 2017 God gave us a better building.
Yup, you read that right: GAVE US a better building!
No kidding. Click the button below for the whole story, it's actually really cool!

Vision and Mission
The Vision of Covenant Church:
To be a biblically faithful family of believers where Christ’s redemptive grace leads us to love each other and love our community in ways that change lives.
The Mission of Covenant Church:
To lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ by spending our time, energy and resources sharing God’s love with our community and from generation to generation.
Our Values
We are students of God’s Word and we serve others.
Real love involves people from all walks and stages of life
Faith grows in relationship with others
Covenant Church is a safe place for all people

I'm NewIf you've never worshipped with us before, we promise not to hold that against you. Feel free to come visit, or if you prefer, we'll answer any questions you may have via phone, email or text. (We used to offer communication via smoke signals but that proved ineffective) After an engaging and delightful correspondence, we'll look for you at whichever service you decide to attend. If you like, we'll also give you a tour of the building and introduce you around to help break the ice and make you feel welcome. You can also click here to learn way more about our church than you could ever possibly want to know!
ChildrenKids at Covenant Church learn about Jesus, develop friendships and get involved. If you have tiny people, we have a nursery for 0 to 5 year olds. Throughout the year our Director of Youth and Children (Stacia Serafin) leads TC Kids, our version of junior church. We also offer Sunday School for school age children during our fall-spring season. [We promise not to get them hopped up on skittles and mountain dew before sending them home with you.]
AdultsCovenant Church isn't big on pretense. We carefully hold essentials - God, the Bible, the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, etc. - tightly. We carefully hold non-essentials - Music style, clothing style, hair style, etc. - not at all. God loves you exactly as you are. It would be shameful for us to do less. Come grow with us.