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Christ is on His throne and in absolute control

Writer's picture: Tecumseh CoveTecumseh Cove

July 24, 2024

Leadership Notes

     C’mon, man! Politically, do you think things could get any stranger? So, yes, you guessed it, I’m going to talk a little politics this week. And I’m not talking about who you think is going to win for Lenawee County Drain Commissioner. Had no idea we voted on such a person until I saw yard signs splashed hither and yon. Today we think nationally.

     I begin with a statement of the obvious. While I’m not hesitant to address things of a more political nature in these weekly columns, I generally stay away from such things from the pulpit. Most of you know precisely where I stand on issues because I preach biblical principles and share my views of biblical ethics and let the chips fall where they may. I generally err on the side of caution as far as politics and the pulpit is concerned. These Leadership Notes are a different animal.

     Several months ago, my wife and I were talking to our oldest granddaughter about voting. She’s going to be in Rome for the fall semester. It’s a study abroad program through Northern Michigan University. It will be her first Presidential election. So, she will have to vote

absentee. Can you imagine? My wife’s and my first Presidential election was Carter/Ford. Which, in contextual retrospect, smacks of the best of both worlds. This year, not so much. It just sort of smacks you. And then, with events of the past two weeks…holy upheaval, Batman.

     However you get your information, you know both candidates have had their share of baggage. To paraphrase Bill Shakespeare, “A pox on both your houses.” I have a Graphic Tee that says, “None of These Candidates 2024” I get thumbs up, fist bumps, and positive comments whenever I wear it out in public. Even in Ann Arbor. My second favorite is “Bigfoot For President 2024.” You can’t beat Sasquatch waving an American flag. 

     What can be said about Trump that hasn’t already been said?

     Because of his willing accomplices in the mainstream {or legacy} media, much about Biden has to be teased out. Before the planned coup over the weekend, he was his party’s candidate. Round two of the 2024 roller coaster has begun in earnest.

     Here’s an interesting timeline for your consideration:

> Biden says over 20 times he’s not dropping out and that he won’t be pushed out by

party elites {Clooney, et al.}

> It was announced that Biden has tested positive for Covid.

> Biden campaign co-chair says he is not leaving the race.

> A few hours later, his “X” account posts that he is leaving the race via a screenshot

document and an electronic signature.

> Most campaign aides and staff found out via “X,” not from the Biden family or those

closest to them.

> With the best technology has to offer, there’s only been one brief video appearance

from Biden. There’s supposed to be an Oval Office address tonight.

> At a Harris campaign event on Monday night, Biden calls in on the phone. Sounds like a

written statement being read. All of this via telephone like we’re living in the 1940s glued

to the radio for news. Weird. Really weird.

> Meanwhile, a mere 24 hours later, Harris secured enough delegates to be the nominee

as the floodgates of cash have been opened.

     Make no mistake. If all a person listens to or reads are party operatives and/or their lackeys in the mainstream media, one would agree that the emperor has lovely new clothes. None of this is normal. 2024...what a year. As one commentator opines {Whitley Yates}:

“Imagine convincing the country for months that Biden was the right

choice and a strong leader only to hit Uno Reverse months before the


Funny people, funny times.

     Finally, let’s all follow this mainstream-of-consciousness:



According to some {primarily the voices inside my head}, this just might be the greatest political grift of our generation. But who am I to say? I’m just some stupid pastor of a wonderful church in a lovely small town in Michigan.

     One final thought from Pastor Wade Lentz {after the wild events from the past 10 days}:

“Tonight, I am grateful to be a 5-point Calvinist. Despite the

world’s political upheaval, I will sleep peacefully, knowing Christ

is on His throne and in absolute control.”

Every night, after falling asleep in my recliner, I go up to bed, say my prayers, and then fall sleep again. That is always a good thing.

     And now, Your Moment of Spurgeon:



     With Much Love and Affection,


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