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Covenant Women's Choir

Writer's picture: Benjamin NicholsBenjamin Nichols

You are invited!

If you're a girl.

No boys allowed.

Covenant has always had a choir of one form or another, and this year welcomes an exciting new iteration. We will be forming a women's choir that will meet on Wednesday nights from 7pm to 8:30pm and singing in worship together the last Sunday of each month.

This is a departure from last year's Worship Support model which had us singing among the congregation. This year we will be back up on the stage and singing anthems as well as leading the congregational worship songs.

After a few weeks of rehearsal and our first scheduled Sunday (Sept 25) we will decide together whether we want to stick with the once a month schedule or adjust it. Regardless, rehearsals will be held weekly to continue to foster a culture of excellence in leading worship.

Why only women?

The last couple years we have only had one man show up regularly. Talented as he may be, that is not enough to make a men's section!

It will be fun exploring existing and creating new repertoire for female voices.

Expect rehearsals to be generally relaxed and fast-paced. There will be a lot of singing as well as working on tone, balance, diction, onset, etc. All the cool things that make choirs sound great!

Who is the director?

My name is Ben Nichols. I've been working as the worship arts director for Covenant since its inception and was the worship arts director for First Presbyterian church of Tecumseh for several years prior to that. I have been directing choirs in one form or another for over twenty years. I also work for Tecumseh High School and Middle School as the accompanist and assistant director to Simon Suboski.

Though I myself lack the required chromosomal arrangement for participation in this ensemble, I'm confident I have the experience and know-how to guide you in making beautiful music to help lead God's people in worship.

What if you don't read music?

The ability to read music is helpful but non-essential. I prepare rehearsal tracks for each part for each song we will sing. They aren't perfect (or pretty) but they will absolutely allow you to learn your part.

In the event you do read music, awesome, these tracks are still valuable in personal practice time for getting your parts nailed down!

Either way, we go over each part during rehearsal, several times if necessary. So even if you don't read music, you can learn your part by rote.

How can you join?

Just show up for rehearsal and we'll put some music in your hand! if you prefer to prepare ahead of time, you can reach out to me ( and I will provide you with access to our practice materials and schedule.

Join the choir! It's fun!


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