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From the Deacons

Writer's picture: Tecumseh CoveTecumseh Cove

Message from the Deacons of Covenant Church in Tecumseh, MI

Ok, a show of hands please.  

How many were curious and picked up the book  “Flash” and read it? I so hope you did!  I just finished “Henry”.  Henry is Flash’s adopted brother.  I have to admit, I don’t have any pets and really don’t want any.  But Flash and Henry make me think I should get a donkey!  

Henry is a character and a half!  Henry was rescued  from an abusive situation, and then adopted by the author, Rachel Ridge.  

Who do you know that has suffered abuse of some sort?  Have you ever wondered how many people you interact with on a daily basis  have been abused but never talk about it?  Being a therapist, I can tell you there are many and most likely someone you know has experienced some sort of abuse.  

Wouldn’t it be wonderful for our church could help this population?  

Oh wait! We are!  

The women’s group and others are painting and helping at the new women and children’s shelter in town.  Isn’t it great to be part of church where the pastor leads the congregation to help fill the needs of the local community?  

Henry has a peculiarity that I’m not going  to share because it would spoil the book.  Let’s just say Henry doesn’t like facing problems.  How often do we fall into this?  We often would rather avoid the problem.  But again, isn’t it great that we have an awesome God that holds our hand and leads us through the rough times?  All we have to do is ask!  We all have our congregation too help us too.  And don’t forget to ask a deacon or call the office if you need something; even just needing a hand to hold for a minute.  

Lastly, you must read Henry to find out his strange habit.  I will tell you that I and one of my daughter’s just sat and laughed out load while reading.  

Linda Bird

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