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God Works in Amazing Ways!

Writer's picture: Tecumseh CoveTecumseh Cove

September 1, 2021

Leadership Notes

Two weeks ago, I shared an update from representatives of a ministry we support in Afghanistan. As you can understand, it was, and continues to be, a dire situation. Because of the nature of their work, we cut the live feed of that portion of our worship service, so only those worshiping in-person could hear it. Our hearts break for everyone caught in this maelstrom of decision making, the consequences of which will be felt for years to come.

That Sunday, two weeks ago, a couple was worshiping with us from out-of-town. They have loved ones who are part of the Covenant Church family. After the service, they asked me how they could contribute to that particular ministry endeavor. I directed them to the contact information of our Office Manager, Lorrie Parker. Things got rolling along, and yesterday, a check for $5,000 was deposited into their account. "God is good all the time…"

It's beautiful to see how, as God touches the hearts of the people of

Covenant Church, by extension He also touches the hearts of those who

know or learn of our ministry. In the same way, two years ago, someone who knows a Covenant Church family contributed substantially to our new sanctuary roof. God works in amazing ways!

I can't say enough about how the folks here open their hearts to how God is working in our midst. Your love for Jesus is seen in your generosity. It is deeply rooted. Just ask the many children and families who were blessed again this year through our Backpack Blow-Out! You are kind and gracious people.

Building on that, as some of you might have noticed, I've been having trouble lately with the microphone apparatus I use. A thoughtful worshiper offered to pay for a more user-friendly device. Our tech team found one, so they will be able to overcome my klutziness. You all are amazing!

Finally, here's the prelude to prayer that I shared last Sunday. These words of affirmation are from Dustin Benge, seminary professor and administrator:

In the midst of terrorism, viruses, lockdowns, hurricanes, earthquakes, and

a godless society, the greatest thing we can do is bow before God in awe,

reverence, and total trust in His purposes for our lives.

And now, your Moment of Spurgeon:

"Let the nations mix in dire confusion as they will, God ruleth over all, and

bringeth out His church in triumph from all the strife of earth. The one

anxiety of our souls should be, the blood-stained banner of the cross; will it

wave high?"

With Much Love and Affection,


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