The song Fear Not is based on the old hymn How Firm a Foundation. Below is my reflection on the words of this song:
The Bible is enough. It is enough to teach you about God, His nature, His love for you and the lengths to which He has gone to secure your eternity. What more does one who believes in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior actually need?
No matter what condition your life is in; sick, healthy, poor, rich, safe at home, out in the world, mountain, jungle, desert or ocean, God is all the strength you require.
Don’t be afraid, God is with you. He will not leave you, discard you, or give up on you. He will stand you up in the midst of whatever life throws at you and protect and support You with His all powerful hand.
God is with you. Don’t be afraid.
He will call you out into the deep rushing waters where no human can safely walk. Yet even there, though fear and death surround you, He will guide you, strengthen you and use your trials to make you strong.
He will call you into the fire that consumes everything in its path. You may be singed, as He carefully and patiently uses the fire to burn away those things that would keep you from Him, and sometimes those things have become a part of you. Yet the eternal you created to live with Him forever will not be burned. Instead you will become bright, shining and precious, as though made of the purest gold.
God is with you. Don’t be afraid.
You who have trusted Jesus Christ with your eternity. You will not be deserted. Though all the powers of hell itself rail against you with violence and hate, you will be protected by the strength of almighty God Himself, for there is none other Who can save you. And if you confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, there is nothing in all of creation, past, present or future, that can tear you from His loving embrace.
God is with you. Don’t be afraid.