August 9, 2023
Leadership Notes
You people are a blessing from God to be a blessing to others. You went above and beyond when it came to our annual Backpack Blowout. We served 75+ children and their families. Almost all the school supplies are gone, but you responded so generously in the backpack department that we have a goodly number to seed next summer’s endeavor. As we like to say – SDG – Soli Deo Gloria – all to the glory of God alone!
Second, in order of importance, was the fellowship enjoyed by all involved. There was a joyful buzz in this place. And third, the snow cones were a huge hit. You cannot go wrong with food.
Me, my wife, and our oldest granddaughter {she’s been living with us this summer} have been watching The Greatest British Baking Show: The Professionals, on Netflix. It is such a delight. The two hosts and the two judges are kindly entertaining. The contestants are an ethnically diverse group of chefs. I love the passion and uniqueness they bring to the kitchen. And then there’s the food. O my goodness, I get almost pavlovian over the pavlova.
I think a lot about food. It’s kinda an essential, right? More important to life than things like grammar, that’s for sure. While we have to eat to live, it’s also true that we have the luxury of living to eat. What I wouldn’t give right now for a profiterole {I hear that in the mellifluous French accent of judge Benoit Blin.}
On a not quite as delicious but tasteful note, I have had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch nine days in a row. Talk about hitting the summer culinary sweet spot. Our cupboard only carries Jif Creamy Peanut Butter, which I top with Welch’s Strawberry Spread. Now that is good eating.
Here at Covenant Church, we love it when we can get together for a meal. Any old potluck will do, or chili cook-off, or brunch-themed gathering. These are all good things that build up the Body of Christ. We give God thanks for all of it. I love what John Calvin said:
Think about all the times food and feasting and dining play a role in the stories and teachings of the Bible. And what is the ultimate food-borne expression of what Jesus did on the cross for us? Right…communion. The Lord’s Supper is a communal feast of love. It is such a beautiful thing.
We are a faithful little church in our corner of God’s wonderful world. We are simply reaching for obedience to His Word and how He wants us to grow where we’re planted. Nothing showy…no bells and whistles…just a simple place to learn, worship, and serve.
Thank you for your desire to do these three things. You know, the best place to live is where you are living now. Right here…right now…there’s no place on earth I’d rather be. As someone once said, it is considered all joy to live in a small town with a lovely main street where things close down at 9:00 p.m. Who could ask for anything more?
And now, your Moment of Spurgeon:
The greater our nearness to God, the less we are affected by the
attractions and distractions of earth.
{Here’s A Bonus for Good Measure}:
The fact is, God wants not our power, but our weakness; not our
greatness, but our nothingness.
With Much Love and Affection,