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Writer's picture: Tecumseh CoveTecumseh Cove

June 7, 2023

Leadership Notes


There’s a new documentary limited series out about the rise and fall of Hillsong New York. This is the worldwide megachurch movement that started in Australia. Is it a salacious exposé or cautionary tale?

One Christian writer shares this observation:

“But the problem of Hillsong NYC goes deeper that the scandals

surrounding a few celebrity pastors. The problem of Hillsong

arises with the desire to be an extraordinary church led by

extraordinary communicators and extraordinary musicians

creating an extraordinary experience. When it comes to church,

we don’t need to be entertained. We don’t need to be wowed. We

need ordinary churches with ordinary people doing

ordinary work in communion with an extraordinarily loving God.”

I thank God daily that I’m an ordinary guy in fellowship with ordinary people praising God and having a positive impact on our little corner of His world here in Michigan. Who could ask for anything more?

Marvin Sewell has been referred to as “the greatest guitarist you’ve never heard of.” I don’t know what his religious beliefs are, but I like his worldview. He recently said:

“I see a lot of people need a mindset shift. It all starts with what

you believe in and how you frame the world.

If you subscribe to victim rhetoric, you’re going to be a victim.

If you think the world owes you something, you’re going to sit

around waiting for handouts.

If you think the white man rigged everything against black

people, you’re going to underperform and blame your inability to

achieve on a strawman.

If you think you don’t have time and can’t do something {because

you’re lazy and afraid to fail}, you’re going to self-sabotage and

squander your opportunities.”

God bless the wisdom of jazz guitarists!

On an unrelated…or perhaps slightly related…note, what this country needs are more unemployed politicians.

I’ve recently discovered Tabletalk Magazine, the monthly magazine

from Ligonier Ministries. It relates solid, Reformed theology. Here’s a wonderful nugget from theologian T. Desmond Alexander:

“Obedience brings blessing, not because it merits salvation but

because it demonstrates the reality of our faith in the One who

blesses His people.”

On a note slightly related to the Hillsong observation, Owen Strachan writes, “Be wary of radicalized Christianity that views ordinary faithfulness with disdain. The normal rhythm of the Christian life is not superheated accomplishment; it’s being ‘stable and steadfast’ by the Spirit’s power. One foot in front of the other.” Think Colossians 1:21-23:

And you, who once were alienated and hostile in mind, doing evil

deeds, he has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death, in

order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach

before him, if indeed you continue in the faith, stable and

steadfast, not shifting from the hope of the gospel that you heard,

which has been proclaimed in all creation under heaven, and of

which I, Paul, became a minister.

Finally, a mom writes, “I overheard my 11-year-old daughter record her voicemail greeting: ‘Hi, you’ve reached my voicemail. When you hear the beep, hang up and send me a text.’ This generation gets it.”

On that note, here’s your Moment of Spurgeon:

“As God looks at each of you he sees what his Son has done,

beholds in you the griefs of Calvary, hears anew the sighs of

Olivet and the groans of Golgotha. You are to God, therefore, most

precious, as the token and memorial of the death of the


Always Striving to be of Good Cheer,


*{Because Odds and Ends had been done last week, and my editor didn’t like Bits n’ Pieces}

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