February 5, 2025
Leadership Notes
Just a reminder…Souper Bowl Sunday potluck after worship this coming Sunday. A good time will be had by all.
That’s all I have. Your Moment of Spurgeon is a wee bit melancholy. This was the quote I had planned to use for this Wednesday before the Super Bowl (I read it before the Lions quick exit from the playoffs). Enjoy it, nevertheless:
“Suppose a number of persons were to take it into their heads
that they had to defend a lion, full-grown king of beasts! There he
is in the cage, and here come all the soldiers of the army to fight
for him. Well, I should suggest to them, if they would not object,
and feel that it was humbling to them, that they should kindly
stand back, and open the door, and let the lion out! I believe that
would be the best way of defending him, for he would take care of
himself; and the best 'apology' for the gospel is to let the gospel
With Much Love and Affection,