High above all things created
You’ve built Your throne of light
Sinless angels singing praises,
Your glory burning bright
Holy, holy, is the song
Your flaming seraphs sing
My highest thoughts can’t hope to grasp
the splendor of my King
Earth’s foundation, ocean borders,
You spoke them into being
Stars and planets, skies and mountains,
sing Your majesty
Fierce and loud, creation shouts
a hymn of endless praise
Do I dare to join this mighty song
that sets the sky ablaze?
Holy, holy, holy
Is the Lord of heaven’s armies
The earth is full of His glory
Holy, holy, holy
Your glory in my eye,
I see the state I’m in
Away from me Lord,
for I am a man of sin!
Your Word falls on my ear,
and speaks of Calvary
How my sins were washed away
when Jesus bled for me
And even now He pleads for me!
Holy, holy, holy
Is the Lord of heaven’s armies
My life is full of His glory
Holy, holy, holy
Far beyond my understanding
the miracle in the mirror
I see a man once lost and broken
now beg You to draw near
The sweetest echo of Your glory
throughout creation wild
Is knowing that You know me fully
and still You call me child!
Holy, holy, holy
Is the Lord of heaven’s armies
My life is full of His glory
Holy, holy, holy
Benjamin J Nichols