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Upcoming Small Group Ministry information 2019/2020

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Covenant small groups have been on a spiritual growth journey over the last 4 years or so through the use of unified studies and individual studies to prepare us for open doors and open hearts to people in need within our own gathering and within our communities. This coming fall, I feel called to do back-to-back unified studies because they are important topics that tie in so well together. Below is what God has placed on my heart for the fall of 2019 and into 2020:

MID-SEPTEMBER thru MID-NOVEMBER 2019 (8 sessions)

THE REAL GOD: How He Longs for You to See Him – Chip Ingram

FEBRUARY / MARCH / APRIL 2020 (12 sessions)


In my own personal conversations with people, I have found that many are grappling with their relationship with God, with others, and with belief systems. When we start to delve deep, it often comes down to a lack of knowledge and understanding about who God is and what His Word reveals about Him. Through THE REAL GOD study, we will see through scripture what God’s true character is and what His attributes are so that, if needed, we can begin to revamp our preconceived ideas about Him that have been developed over time through abusive or unhealthy earthly father relationships, lack of or incorrect Biblical teaching, strong worldly influences, or our own desire to create God in our own image. The 8 sessions will cover:

  • Seeking God

  • Goodness of God

  • Sovereignty of God

  • Holiness of God

  • Wisdom of God

  • Justice of God

  • Love of God

  • Faithfulness of God

It is only by laying this foundation that we can more confidently move onto the next study of CULTURE SHOCK. If we don’t have a biblical view of God and His character and attributes, how are we to tackle the hard issues that face us each day in these times of culture wars? Over the 12 sessions, Chip will help us to walk through and discuss the tough topics of:

  • What ever happened to right and wrong?

  • The search for truth about sex

  • What do you say to a gay friend?

  • Understanding abortion today

  • The Church and the environment

  • The Church and politics

Just reading those topics might make you feel uncomfortable or even make you cringe. If so, that is why we need to approach these topics from an informed, loving, God-centered platform, so that we can fully love others in their time of need, yet still lead them to Christ with the truth.

My prayer for us is that over these next few months, we will pray for this ministry. Pray that God lays it on the hearts of those in Covenant to participate together so that we are in unity in love and truth. Let’s have the hard discussions, so that we can be better equipped to fully love others the way God has loved us and to be welcoming to those who are struggling.

To prepare for this next stage of growth, there will be sign-up sheets available in August so that we can begin forming groups. Though these studies might be tough, I am excited for this time of growth within His gathering of people at 5290 Milwaukee Road in the little town of Tecumseh, Mi.

For more information about this ministry, feel free to contact me any time.

In His service and at your service,

Julie Schiller

517-423-9592 H

517-750-7494 C


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