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We Are Called, Loved, Kept, and Blessed!

Writer's picture: Tecumseh CoveTecumseh Cove

November 8, 2023

Leadership Notes

What a beautiful Sunday of worship we had. Have I said lately how much I love the way the people of Covenant Church worship? Your singing…your praying…your laughter…your hallelujahs and amens…your joyous and encouraging conversations before and after worship…we are blessed that God gives us these moments of praise and celebration. He is good all the time.

I thank God daily for the beautiful people of our church. We are not perfect. Far from it. Yet in spite of who we are – because of who God is – in Jesus Christ we are called, loved, kept, and blessed. Nothing can change that truth. God has poured an abundance of blessings into our lives. As Jude said, mercy, peace, and love are multiplied in our lives. That is why we rejoice in the Lord always. As Jesus said, “Be of good cheer, because I have overcome the world.” Paul echoed that when we said we are always of good courage.

We understand what a mess our world is. We have times when we have difficulty and/or discouragement in our lives. Yet we give thanks to God for what He has done for us in Jesus Christ. Which is why we worship. Which is why we are a loving presence in our community. Which is why you give generously to what God is doing here at Covenant Church. Which is why I thank God daily for you.

Make no mistake. There are a lot of angry people in this world. Wickedness, at times, is on full display. I would even go so far as to say, even when it’s not Halloween, there are ghouls among us. We can’t miss them. They’re especially strong at protests we are seeing all over the world. Sin-sickness grips so many people.

And still we lose ourselves in worship on Sunday morning. Why? Because we know the things of this world fade in comparison to the riches we have in Jesus Christ. We are called, loved, blessed, and kept. That is why we worship with such joy. I love what God is doing in our lives and in our church.

With Thanksgiving looming large in our sideview mirror, I am confident wherever the holiday finds you, your focus will be on the blessings of family, friends, food, and faith. {How’s that for alliteration?} We have a grand and glorious Savior. Even though the world falls away, we are held securely in the grace and mercy of God. And so we rejoice.

And now, Your Moment of Spurgeon:

The same God who guides the stars in their courses, who directs the earth in its orbit, who feeds the burning furnace of the sun, and keeps the stars perpetually burning with their fires - the same God has promised to supply thy strength.

And, because I love you so much, a Spurgeon Bonus:

I do admire patience, because I feel myself so incapable of it. When I see a man suffering, and suffering bravely, I often feel small in his presence.

Peace to You, and Love with Faith,


P.S. It is perfectly acceptable to park on the grass field behind the parking lot if things get a little crowded on Sunday mornings!

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