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We Are So Blessed!

Writer's picture: Tecumseh CoveTecumseh Cove

October 9, 2024

Leadership Notes

     What a glorious weekend it was. Beautiful weather and wonderful worship. And I’m not saying beautiful worship because I’m the dude what does the preaching. No…no…no…beautiful worship because a whole bunch of people who love Jesus and are thankful to God for the life He has given us aren’t bashful about their praise. We don’t hold back. To paraphrase a question and answer from The Westminster Confession:

What is the chief end of men and women?

Our chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy Him for ever.

     After worship, I love how many of you linger. You stay and you talk. And by the way, I love how, during worship, the babies and the toddlers talk. Such lovely, precious little lives. Our church and our families are so blessed. Back to hanging around after worship – we’re sharing life together.

     Did I say it was a glorious weekend? I’m telling you, I did nothing Sunday afternoon but watch the Ravens/Bengals game and work on a jigsaw puzzle. My wife was in the other room, watching a classic movie with Billy Mumy and James Stewart {Dear Brigitte} while taking jigsaw puzzle breaks once-in-a-while. It was, naturally, a fall-themed puzzle. What a glorious Sunday afternoon.

      Then, on Tuesday, I had my first day reading for Mrs. Hilton’s Y5 class. What delightful young learners. It is going to be a great year. I started reading many years ago for Darlene Penterics’ kindergarten class. Darlene was a great teacher, but more important, she was a loving and caring person. I felt it and saw it for about twenty minutes every week. I cherished my years visiting her class those Tuesday afternoons. We have been blessed with so many kind, caring, and competent teachers.

     When I was leaving Sutton School my first day back, I noticed a pumpkin in one of the beds along the walkway. I’ve displayed it on the window of my office door. Such a delightful sight to see. You’d have to be out of your gourd not to agree. What are some of the Psalm 8 moments you’ve encountered these early weeks of autumn? God is good all the time…

     As we continue to enjoy the predictable wonderfulness of these October days, don’t forget to avoid downtown Tecumseh when coming to worship Sunday morning. But any other time of the weekend will be perfect for taking in the fun of the Appleumpkin Festival. I’m hoping the Chicken-on-a-Stick people will be here. Whoopee!

     Finally, one last bit of good news from the natural world. About twenty years ago, bunch of honeybees died from “colony collapse disorder.” The mainstream media began buzzing about the disaster ahead. You know how the media are about panic and fear. Well, guess what? The bees came roaring back. There are now about 30% more bees in America.* How sweet is that?

     And now, your Moment of Spurgeon:

“If I cannot understand I will not question, for I am not His

counsellor, but I will adore and obey, for I am His servant.”

     With Much Love and Affection,



*My brother has taken up beekeeping as his new hobby. Promised us honey for Christmas!

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